Game Development

In this screenshot I have created a ball and Paddle with the height and length to how I would like it to be, I have chose the paddle to be that long considering I would like the game to be a simple game to play with one another. I do not like the size of the ball therefore I wish to change the size so it will be to my liking.
I created two paddles which will be allowed to be played from Player One and also Player Two, the true and false in the brackets separates them both, that way they are both unique in it’s own way but also the same
I have created a float for speed and height therefore there is no specific amount of speed that the paddle will move therefore it will not be too slow nor too fast. The height will also be limited too so it will not go too far out and also stuck on the same spot. I have done this so if the paddle was going too slow it would be hard to control to win the game therefore it will not be simple, same thing as if it was fast.

In these two screenshot I have made a mistake and fixed it. the mistakes I have made is that I have input a y instead of an x for the axis in the codes.
I have changed it to x which would make the paddle go to the left side and also to go to the right side on the other code.

pos = new Vector2(GameManager.topRight.y, 0);
pos -= Vector2.right * transform.localScale.y;e.

Whilst coding to move the paddle up and down, I have included the ‘GetAxis’ which will make the paddle go up and down, basically it is a number between -1 and 1, meaning 1 is up and -1 is down. Now moving on to the ‘transform.position’ codes, these code will make sure the paddle does go out of bound in the game.

In this image. I had to make the ball bounce off the every walls except from past the paddle


One of the main problems I have had is that when I was first doing the project, it was on the 2017 version but sadly the computer at the school was updated to 2019 but turns out there was more than one sub version. I managed to finish my work at home but it was placed on the 2019.1.2 but at college the version was 2019.1.1. This is a major problem because if you created a game you cannot play it or edit it upon any other versions as there has been compatibility issues with each updates. It is really recommended that you get the Unity Hub, that way you can see the different versions and see which one you would need to be having to use.

I have also created a ping pong game using processing. The comparison with both Unity and Processing is that the controls is different and the processing is one player whilst the Unity is two player which will be fun to play along with one another.

I am planning on chasing some of the features by making the background the same color as my Unity Game, and also changing the ball size and speed.

I have changed the colors but I am still editing, I will next plan to manipulate the ball to be much bigger. I have changed the colors because the color brings a calm tone although it is not going to be an easy game. Before I liked the colour but I wanted to change it to my own unique way.

I have changed the ball size and the speed of the ball. I have created the speed of the ball to be random but also fast so one moment it could be at a slow pace then it would get fast the next moment. I created it because as it is 1 player I would like it to be hard but not too challenging. I made the ball bigger therefore it will be easier to hit instead of a small ball moving ‘100mph’.

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